The anger side of God

God has an anger side that is not much talked about in Christian circles today. As a matter of fact, Jehovah’s witnesses and many other Christian groups out rightly reject the fact that God can express His anger to His wonderful creation, which is man, to the point of letting them suffer their consequences. Let alone the final damnation of hell that is eternal (Matthew 10:20).

Just like every man has the other side which gets triggered when that person is exposed to some environment, God has the same qualities. No wonder we are made from His image. God’s anger is upon those that disobey Him, no matter the status given to that person in this world. This includes pastors, bishops, prophets, evangelists, deacons, etc. It is true that God is love (1 John 4:8), He has plans to prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11) and all that is good comes from Him (James 1:17). It is also important for us not to deceive ourselves to overlook the anger side of God.


God – the same throughout eternity

The same God who was at the time of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses and everyone else of those times is still the same God we serve today (Hebrews 13:8). He has not changed a bit. His anger as recorded in all scriptures still is, as it was. The same reason scripture was inspired by God for, is the same reason I have confidence in declaring that God has an anger side. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, scriptures in totality is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. The book of Exodus gives a clear picture of the anger side of God when Pharaoh the king hardened his heart not to let God’s children go. This is commonly known as the seven plagues of Egypt.

There are some other instances in the book of Genesis where God showed His anger against mankind. For instance, when He ejected Adam and Even from the Garden of Eden and the flood that wiped out both mankind and animals from the face of the earth yet I just wanted to focus on those recorded in the book of Exodus. You would also agree with me that there are even more scripture recordings that relate the anger of God to people that disobeyed Him.


The message to us

I therefore want to implore you never to deceive yourself by believing that God cannot painfully let you go under severe pain from your consequences. The good news is that He wont let it be beyond what you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). Surely obeying God is better than any form of sacrifice. You may preach, evangelize, give to the needy, cash out devils, fast and pray, achieve great things for God but if you do not keep God’s commandments, you will experience His anger while you live in this world just like Pharaoh and many others did.

While you glory in that you pray in the name of Jesus Christ and things happen at your command, your ultimate position after death may surprise you. This will surely come as a shock to many such people of God as Jesus declares in Matthew 7:22. Don’t be deceived, the entire Bible is written for us to learn who the God we serve is.

Be blessed.

Tagged danger of not fearing God, danger of sin, deceiving yourself Christian, God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow, Gods anger. Bookmark the permalink.

About Musawenkosi Dube

I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. It has been revealed to me through the study of the Word of God, teachings of other men of God and testimonies that God has given us His grace just so we can share it among ourselves in the process leading each other to God. I invite you to learn who our God is with me in this blessed!

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