Turning to God is hardly driven by COVID-19

COVID-19 has been here for a while and its impact is dire and undesirable. In the Bible God has spoken about such occurrences and gave the world a formula to undo this. Allow me to share my thoughts on how the world fares in as far as applying the God given formula is concerned.

When COVID-19 started, people all over, Christians in particular, were quick to quote the verse “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). I believe we have humbled ourselves, we have prayed, we also have sought the face of God to save us from the pandemic but I have seen too little of repentance. Now this is me making my own analysis; not a revelation, a dream or a vision from God. I see myself at almost the same level of devotion to God like before and I also see people going on with their sinful behaviors just like it used to be.

When we read verse 13 in the same chapter, God says something shocking. He declares that all that comes to us is sent by Him, including drought and pestilence. According to the book of Isaiah, Hezekiah understood this fact clearly. Hear him declare, “But what could I say? For he himself sent this sickness…” (Isaiah 38:15). I’m not in doubt that COVID-19 is not a surprise to God. It is God who has let this pandemic hit the world at this time and in this fashion. God is all knowing and when He does things, no one can question Him because He has no equal. Isaiah 40:12-41 tells the might of God and his unquestionable deeds. It is clear that God is the ultimate and if we want to benefit from Him we must obey what He says. If we obey God, at the right time He will rescue His own unconditionally or conditionally as per 2 Chronicles 7:14.


Evidence of non-repentance

Wickedness is evident in our world in that what the Bible teaches we still see people go against it. I will make general examples as evidence of my claim. I’m sure you are a witness to that there are still homosexuals who haven’t changed from this evil practice, drunkards are still seen all over, false prophets still push their agenda, ancestral consultations have not subsided, false religions and occultism hasn’t stopped. I’m sure you can add to this lost with what you see people do around you that is an abomination to God.

The reality of people living in sin cannot be denied because it happens right in our sight. People desire for COVID-19 to be extinct but they are unable to meet God’s condition of turning away from wickedness. The good news is that this is not a message of condemnation but of hope. There is a missing piece of the puzzle into getting people turning away from their wickedness, ‘the help from God to be able to do so’. This is not to say that the verse is incomplete but one thing we may note is that it is in the Old Testament before Jesus’ time.

It is not possible to fight sin without the help of God. The devil is far more powerful than the strongest person who does not have Jesus. The starting point is establishing a relationship with the power of God that comes through accepting Jesus Christ as a savior. This is confessing with one’s mouth that Jesus Christ died and rose again to save people from sin, and that He is Lord in one’s life. This type of confession is supernatural and it unlocks the power to turn away from wickedness. All it calls for is for the person who makes this confession to be genuine. To sustain a life of freedom from wickedness one should make reading the Bible, praying, listening to or watching sermons and fellowshipping with other Christians a lifetime habit.


The good news to the obedient

To the one who has chosen to follow the formula with utmost commitment, don’t tarry because the Bible has good news for you. God can be personal as much as He also can be corporate. The subject verse quoted as the formula for dealing with COVID-10 depicts the corporate nature of God. However, when we consider individual heroes of faith such as Noah, Abraham, Enoch, Moses, Hezekiah, Joseph, Daniel, David and many others, we see God dealing with them individually and giving unmatched favors.

The Bible is rich with information on people that pleased God unilaterally. Think of Noah who was saved from the great flood. God confessed that Noah was righteous and that is why he was chosen for safety. Enoch walked faithfully with God and that qualified him to be lost for God into God’s presence. Abraham’s obedience to God is so unbelievable. At one point he determined to sacrifice his own sun at the command of God. Hezekiah was clear that he had pleased God to the point he could use that to make a request for healing and extension of life.

My point is that if you remain faithful before God it is not in vain. God sees that and will surely make it work to your benefit at some point.

To the pastor or preacher of the Word, I encourage you to keep preaching because there is nothing else that can change a person but the Word. May God help us do as He commands and allow us to reap the benefits of His promises.

Be blessed.

Tagged attaining salvation, COVID-19 in the bible, David a man after Gods heart, die for faith, does God hate a sinner, God of Abraham, God of Joseph, hope of Christians, prayer of salvation, qualities of true repentance. Bookmark the permalink.

About Musawenkosi Dube

I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. It has been revealed to me through the study of the Word of God, teachings of other men of God and testimonies that God has given us His grace just so we can share it among ourselves in the process leading each other to God. I invite you to learn who our God is with me in this blog...be blessed!

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