The Bible records about a man from Uz whose name was Job (Chapter 1). At some point, his life was not easy yet so much in line with God’s plan. Normally, people who quote Job’s life would talk about what is covered in chapter 1, 2 and 42. The other chapters where the Bible records how Job nursed himself out of the situation are not so much popular. You will know that Job had full respect for God and therefore must have had a good understanding of who God is.
In this article, I will focus on some verses in chapter 9 where Job gives his own view on who God is. This is when Job responded to comments passed on by his friend Bildad.
God is not subject to law
Job knew that man can never be innocent in God’s sight no matter how much effort he makes (verse 2). He quotes a court instance where judgement must be passed on. The court is a common earthly platform where two parties challenge one another to find justice, and Job saw this unfitting for man to use against God.
Human justice falls far too short in God’s sight. Even when man is innocent in all respects but it make no difference before God. Whatever man does, none of it makes man pure and just to meat God’s standards (verse 21 – 22).
God is wise and mighty
God dwells in wisdom far beyond human capacity. From this I conclude that no man can outsmart God. It is therefore clear that if ever a person works out tricks in his or her heart to bypass God’s laws, it is a waste of time. For God can see into a man’s heart at all times (Psalm 44:21).
God is so mighty He moves mountains, shakes the earth and commands the sun to behave the way it does. Some of God’s creation is complicated for man to comprehend.
God does things without consulting humans. Even when it hurts to His loved ones but when He chooses to let it happen, He just lets it be (verse 12).
God is immortal
While man is mortal and knows that one day he will die, God is not mortal. This according to Job necessitates a mediator between him and God (verse 33). It was so difficult for Job to deal with God directly because of fear. Unlike in the Old Testament times just as the case is with Job, we are grateful for Jesus Christ who is our only mediator with God (1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 9:15). Jobs prayer for a mediator has been answered in our time through the man Jesus Christ. There is therefore no way into God’s presence other than through the man Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
In conclusion, I wish to expound that just as life is a gift from God, it is God who dictates terms on how we should live it. I’m am bound to direct you to the Holy Bible for guidance on how to live a life that is pleasing to God. God is who He is and denying His truth does not change Him.
Be blessed.