How shall we escape the wrath of God if we neglect His chastisement? People often want God to speak to them more or differently from what is recorded in the Holy Bible. Why not first believe what is recorded in the widely available Holy Bible, then you can look for more. It is true that God has spoken through visions and dreams but those are just added means that often clarify what we may be miss understanding in scriptures. I wrote a complete article on why we should believe testimonies on revelations and dreams on the article, ‘Justifications of testimonies of Heaven and Hell’.
Satan has no time to play with people but he means serious business in all his activities. We have been warned that the devil knows without a doubt that his time is limited and therefore maximizing on his opportunities, not only with people that take him for granted but every living person. The strength that cannot be questioned about Satan is that he knows the Bible word for word. This therefore gives him an advantage when people do the following:
- Misquote the scriptures. Just like any person would not want to be misquoted, God does not like it either. If for any reason you have to quote the Bible and you are not sure about your quote, why not open the Bible and read it word for word. I believe that the devil is not shaken by a misquoted scripture, I also believe that the same goes for a misunderstood one.
- Do what is wrong while they are convinced that it is right. This is possible when a believer takes what other Christians say but don’t take the courage to search scriptures to confirm. For example, I have learnt with fear from a testimony by one lady from Sierra Leon that God will not let any divorcee enter into Heaven. I personally believe this is true but I know many Christians are convinced that God will overlook this and consider the reasons for the divorce.
- Omit or take for granted some small and earthly ignorable God’s commandments. Just as an example, divorce is a predicament which God is not silent about in His word. Often people will overlook some of the Bible clauses that are really hard to take but due to humanly understandable positions, they decide to omit them.
- Underestimate the power given to you by God. Prayer is our weapon by which we have direct access to God the creator. However, often we speak to God but doubt His capabilities to keep His promises.
- Exaggerate their personal position in God’s sight. No one should ever think that he or she has grown to have a better relationship with God than other people when God has plainly declared that He shows no favoritism to anyone (Romans 2:12). You may do God’s work for many years, leading many into salvation but if you have sin in your life, no matter how small that sin may be, God will reject you for Heaven (Revelation 21:27).
The devil will do all that he can to keep you ignorant of such aspects until you get a shock of your life when you die. His business is killing and destroying people. He wants everyone to go to hell. Many Christians die convinced that they have run the race in diligence only to find that they have missed the mark and sadly at that time there is no chance for correcting their errors. Immediately after death, judgment sets in and at that time there is not even the slightest chance to make adjustments. This fact often makes me lose my sleep when I think about it. Do you want to be certain you are always on a right standing with the Lord Jesus Christ at all times?
We need to plead God’s mercy every minute we live for we not know what we could have missed in His commandments. God will surely not let anyone who has the smallest of sins into His kingdom. Unfortunately, this fact is the strength of the devil.
Be blessed.
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