The Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached all over yet there are so many doctrines that are contradicting each other. Often this is not intentional but results from misinterpreting what the Bible teaches. It is common to hear Christians discussing one topic but coming out with different ways of practicing it. The easier route out is often largely adopted and it normally is the one that prevails. The harder route is abandoned yet Jesus Christ Himself clearly stated that the gate that leads to life is very narrow. The sad this is that He went on to say that ‘many will try to find it but very few find it’.
Every believer should be clear on what the Bible teaches. It calls for critical Bible study, research and praying. Each verse of the Bible has been inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that for every Bible verses is God owned. Thus He won’t let any return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). I know that this may give some readers the impression that I am brain washed to believe in the Bible in this fashion. I have written a full article on why we believe that the Bible is God’s word.
The exam has been leaked
Since the exam has been leaked, it is the more reason why a child of God should never be discouraged in preaching the true Gospel. The words ‘The exam has been leaked’ are common with sister Linda who preaches the Gospel fiercely. I believe her declaration is justified. The Bible did say that in the last days visions and dreams will be the common. They not only come as signs of the end time but also to teach the world of what is the situation on the other side of life. Sister Linda is not the only one but there are countless believers and non-believers too that have had similar experiences.
There is this free ebook I found online that I strongly recommend for everyone to read. It is found in this link ‘Hell is far more terrible’. After reading this ebook, the child of God should be even more zealous to stand firm in the word. A believer that dismissed revelations does not believe in the Bible that s/he should be teaching.
Reason for the article
I’m writing the article just to encourage those that are standing firm in what the Bible teaches even though it may seem unreasonable to many other believers. You may be confronted even by some believers that discourage you from preaching the strict written word of God but a compromised one.
I believe myself to be one of them and always get comfort in knowing that I am not alone. I have seen a number of believers on social media, Facebook and Google Plus in particular, preaching the Word the same way it has been revealed to those that have been taken on revelations. Know this one truth that the same word we preach applies to us too.
Preach and never tarry and your reward shall be great in Heaven. Be blessed.