God is merciful to forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9) yet circumstances and our weaknesses in life present some pockets where as Christians we can be found unholy and unworthy of Heaven. Knowing the secrete truth about Heaven’s book of life, the time we sin the angels that work at erasing and re-writing names of believers in the book of life do their job so very well. The longer your name is erased (the time when you are in sin) from the book of life, the more the chances for you to be damned to hell.
In this article, I will outline the fact that indeed Christians go through times when they are pockets of sin and move on to explaining how such pockets can be made insignificant in the sight of God. This article aims at clarifying the truth about living a pleasing life to God.
Evil operation about your life when you are in sin
No one knows the day or hour when the soul shall be called from the body. Sadly, when you are in sin, the devil wants to take your life before you make it up with Jesus. It is when he has the most opportune time to fulfill his purpose of killing and destroying people (John 10:10). He surely will make every effort to kill you while you are in sin so that you go straight to hell. Surely, the devils aim is to have everyone wind up in hell. I don’t know how I could make people believe this truth because many think that things and death happen haphazardly as nature calls. Never be deceived, all things that happen in the world are influenced by spiritual forces around us.
Let me make an example of a thought out yet possible occurrence of the devil setting up a death trap for someone who is in sin. Think of a husband who goes on a business trip and then falls for a lady whom he feels is sexually irresistible. This man then talks with the lady and takes her in. The genitals of the lady are cursed and carry sexually transmitted disease that gets transmitted to anyone who goes to bed with her. That’s one scenario that may not be as deadly. Another scenario would be of the lady having a syndicate of robbers whom she works closely with. They trace her moves and walk at the most opportune time to rob off any man that takes the lady in for sexual relations. Such robbers can easily kill if they face some form of resistance because it delays their mission. The believer who has fallen into sin may therefore be killed in the cloud of fornication.
The moment you are tempted to open pornographic material online or watch in on television, waste employer time on personal interests, get lost in social media at the wrong time, gossip and judge others, etc. it could be the time death strikes. No matter how much work you have done for God in your community or church, you die and go to hell if you are found in sin at that moment. Consider what the Bible says in Revelation 2:2 – 7 when Jesus was sending a message to the church at Ephesus. Jesus says that He knows the church very well and its good works yet He won’t compromise on the loss of the first love. This is not just a talk but He calls for the church to return to its rightful position or else they remain rejected. Contrary to this, I know many people believe that God will understand and consider the works and all the effort one has made to please Him yet all that shall not be considered.
This therefore means there are many chances that I who is writing this message may go to hell too. I’m also fighting to get to Heaven one day but I’m like a fish living in water yet I’m expected not to drink the water. I’m certain that God cannot tolerate sin neither will He compromise on it. What He does is let the believer know immediately when he or she falls into sin. This is such that that particular believer can take a decision whether to stop sinning and ask for forgiveness or resist and continue in sin. Therefore, a believer that dies in sin and goes to hell deserves it because of disobedience. I believe that is why God says that obedience is better than sacrifice.
This leads to a very interesting point about the security of Christians as discussed in the next subtopic.
The safety of Christians
There is a mystery in living a Christian life. The fact is that a Christian skips death for as long God has not agreed that it is his or her time to pass on. This happens a lot without the believer knowing it. Remember that to the believer, dying is gain yet it should still happen at the planned right time by God.
Jesus Himself skipped attacks that aimed at killing Him before time (John 10:39). He knew that He would die and His sole purpose was that but it did not happen prematurely or according to man’s plans. There are many testimonies of people that experienced death but had to come back to life just because their time had not come. Make a search on Google or YouTube for such testimonies.
The fact thus is, no one can postpone his death appointment. The Bible records about many Christians who died in a manner that would humanly be perceived man planned or accidental. Think of John the Baptist who was beheaded (Mark 6:14 – 29).
Filling the pockets of sin
There is a solution for every Christian that should not be overlooked because missing it could easily mean hell. First, it must be clear that there is a difference between a temptation and falling into sin. Jesus Himself was tempted yet He never sinned. Likewise, there is no way a Christian can avoid being tempted. That is why Jesus taught His disciples to pray saying ‘…lead us not into temptation’ ().
As it is obvious that man will fall into sin, the best thing to do is keep one’s spirit sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. This will make a believer make up with Jesus Christ as soon as the Holy Spirit raises a flag about the sin in a believer’s life.
Nobody should be hesitant or afraid of seeking for forgiveness from God though His son Jesus Christ. He never tires hearing us confess our sins. We don’t pay anything but only acknowledging and seeking for His forgiveness. In that same tone, I encourage Christians to confess their sins before they go to bed, after every engagement with other people and anytime the Holy Spirit reveals the need for such confession. We just have to live in the Spirit so that we know when to do the right thing at the right time.
I pray that the Holy Spirit clarifies this message in His own way to you. Be blessed.