Binary Options and the Christian

Binary options is a money making option that I recently came to know about when I searched the internet for ways by which I can invest the money I earn from doing business on It is a very easy to enter trading space yet so much of a risk that one can lose all they have on it yet it is 100 percent legal in many countries such that no one would put you in jail for it. The world standard is not compromised whenever a person participates or trades binary options but then the question is, ‘does the same apply for Christians?’

The Christians adds another consideration when deciding on money making methods, ‘will it not defile the holiness / righteousness garment’. This means that praying about it, reading scriptures for guidance and listening to the conscious with high sensitivity should be applied. If you are not sure, you are better not participating. Sadly, the tendency is for Christians to reason about things and ignore the fact that Christianity is not about reasoning but goes according to what the Bible says.

Christians have discussed a lot on binary options online but I wouldn’t want to delve much into these discussions. I do want to highlight that some Christians do trade binary options and we can only hope they gain their intended outcome from it. For me, the Holy Spirit or rather let me say, my conscious, did not allow me to put my money and trade binary options.

I shun binary options for the following reasons:

  1. The principle of working before earning something is violated. Psalm 128:2 says, ‘You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you’. If God were to ask a binary option trader what work has he or she done to earn whatever amount of money earned, the answer would not be satisfactory. All unsatisfactory answers fall under sin.
  2. The emotions and the greed gear of urgent desire for success that kicks in do not put me at the right position with my God. Thanks to IQ options for providing a trial account with dummy credit. This has made me experience how it feels to trade binary options. The trading triggers the desire for money and when you do make some money you tend to want even more. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, ‘For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs’. The desire for money is not what Christian living associates with.

These reasons, even if it was one, make me feel that putting my money into and trading binary options would defile my soul. This therefore means that if I happen to die while participating in it, I would be rejected and lament my participation in hell eternally. Just this one sin not so obvious sin like many others that are not necessarily written in the Bible can lead to the irreversible condition of hell.

Revised: 27 Nov 2017

Tagged binary options, business and Christianity, business that God disprove, greed with binary options, love for money Christians, trading money. Bookmark the permalink.

About Musawenkosi Dube

I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. It has been revealed to me through the study of the Word of God, teachings of other men of God and testimonies that God has given us His grace just so we can share it among ourselves in the process leading each other to God. I invite you to learn who our God is with me in this blessed!

2 Responses to Binary Options and the Christian

  1. Olagunle Morakinyo says:

    Thanks for your opinion and spiritual level of faith, sometimes we Christians (steward) do find our self in “impoverishment”, but with the bible ref. (Matt. 7:7) I think am conscious enough to mend my Holiness and Faith according to (psalm 23:1) (psalm 46:1) I quit my attempt. Shalom

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