There is a visible need for God to intervene in changing the conduct of youths at Mhlume compound. Mhlume is located in the eastern side of the country, an area dedicated to sugarcane farming and sugar processing. Sugarcane farming and processing has been termed the Swazi gold because it contributes a sizeable percentage to the economy of the country.
The one-on-one method of evangelism has proven to my source that most of the youth think that life is about living anyhow and nobody should really care about that. Unlike in the northern parts of the country such as Mbabane where people tend to be knowledgeable about Christianity, when you evangelise to someone at Mhlume they most likely would be puzzled at your story because it is hardly heard of. “You would swear that people have never heard about the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the way they conduct themselves at Mhlume” a friend said in a telephonic conversation on Tuesday 12th December 2015.
The area has too many people with too few living an elite lifestyle and a majority living in poverty. Those that have the money to spend, a majority being the adult population, have nowhere to spend their money since the place is secluded from big towns in the country, the closest being Manzini which is more than 50 kilometres away, it is easy for people to spend their money nursing their lustful desires on the vulnerable youth groups. This may sound harsh but it must be noted that Satan has blinded the minds of many not to see the simple and straight forward message of the Gospel.
Surprisingly, it is not about the lack of churches around Mhlume but a number of factors could be causing this behaviour. Contemporary church setups, known as ministries, are also available in the area. “It is amazing how people have become so much less interested in living a God fearing life”, declared my source. Not only are the youths captured in the sinful practice of fornication and adultery, but they are also entangled by the spirit of alcoholism. They find these sins to be normal and never really feel ashamed about their conduct.
When I asked as to what exactly can be done to salvage the situation in the area, my source declared that it is only God that can help. Making an example of Elijah when he prayed to God to stop the rain for three and a half years and it was as he requested, my source said that the power of God to do wonders cannot be overlooked. Prayer worriers can help seeks God’s intervention by raising an appetite for church amongst the youth because as already mentioned, churches are available and the choice is wide. Further to that, believers need to pray for discernment of the spiritual leaders of the churches around the area to preach the right message to the congregants.
May we remember Mhlume in our prayers, Amen.
This is not to say that everyone at Mhlume is bad. However, if your opinion differs from this article, please feel free to pass your comments in the space provided below.