Nudism is so popular in our time. Some people, mostly woman, participate in nudism even without noticing it. The dress code issue and modest dressing has been ignored and those that oppose it are seen as primitive and a threat to the comfort of nudists. It is not surprising that people can charge you in a court of law for condemning their dress code. Indeed the day are evil and the Christian should keep watch and pray to God for strength to overcome (Ephesians 5:16).
Today nudity is easy to access for all man. Male or female, if you want access to it, you can. The internet has made it so easy for people to access explicit nudity and even graphic, packed and all sorts of promiscuousness. The internet is the greatest source which has no any other restrictions but self discipline.
Needless to say, the Christian is exposed to nudity; left, right and centre. The Christian knows that it sin to watch nude people as it is tantamount to pornography, unless its under permissible special conditions. Such permissible conditions include medical practitioners at work and adults in marriage.
How then should a Christian keep his life pure? I recommend for the Christian not to look at nudity of any type at all. That he or she tries by all means not to look. A single glance should be a reason to notice the situation and not to yearn for more sight.
I like it the way Pastor Charles Elias Mahlangu from South Africa put it. I quote…
“ No ‘second glance’ club:
Refuse to give liberty to your eyes to explore
her physical beauty. That she is beautiful to look at, does not give me
male autonomy to put her beauty in my heart through second, third and
fourth glances. That the physical beauty is appealing does not give any
male a constitutional right to disobey the laws of the Creator. It is God
who made her this way. It is God who is commanding sexual purity for
females and males. Examining the issue logically, you ask me why I am
walking ahead instead of looking at her for second and third glances?
Well, the owner of that physically sexually appealing body is God who
commands me to lock my eyes and my heart from property belonging
to God alone. I am not turning my head to follow her direction. She is
forbidden territory mentally, where no one can see. You ask me why
I refuse to look lower than her neck? I am forbidden by the Creator to
explore her beauty. You ask me why I will not free my eyes to feast on
her precious bosom, her precious cleavage and her precious breasts?
The owner of this physical body has excluded me from examining her
You ask me why I refuse to give her a second glance? It is a useless
enterprise to look at her eyes and physical body when there is no way
under the sun I am going to covet her in my heart. It is economically
wasteful to lust after and to covet what I can never taste. Lust is a
useless sin for a covenanted male. Covetousness is a useless sin for a
covenanted male. It is practically useless to give my eyes the liberty to
look in order to take the beauty into my heart when that has 100 percent
probability of committing the sin of Matthew 5:28; sexual immorality by
lusting in the heart is a sinful deed. Logically, what is the use of a furtive
glance that ultimately has no chance of being carried out to its logical
conclusion, since this person is a prohibited zone for males?’
It is tough but with God’s help that comes with prayer, it is possible to survive these trying times of nudism.