Do Not Do it at Work Please

Do not do personal things at work

Do not do personal things at work

So many things can be done at work yet not permissible. If you intend keeping yourself pure as defined by God’s standards, you must guard yourself not to be counted amongst those that do the unlawful.

Someone may want to know the criteria to know the right from wrong. They ask questions like, ‘How would you know some of the practices that are not allowed at work?’ The following are indicators to help you avoid identify the unwanted practices.

  1. If others that are at your level are deprived the service, while you get it because of your work functions, double check with your conscious when you begin to use that benefit for personal gain. For example, your desk phone may be enabled to make international calls because your work functions demand that you call international business partners. It goes without saying that it would be wrong for you to make personal international calls from your desk phone without getting permission from your employer. An option would be absorbing all personal international calls when the bill comes. The long and short of it is that things that fall under abusing your employer tools must be avoided.
  2. If it is for personal gain and it takes some of your employer’s time. It is amazing how much time people spend finishing up their personal budgets, visiting online social networks, charting on the phone, entertaining a visitor, browsing the net; all at the cost of the employer.
  3. If you would not allow your employees to do it if they were to work at your business. This is a biblical principle that each individual can apply and when justly applied makes a good judgment. The only downfall of this principle is that some people may not be totally honest but falsely pretend to be more tolerant to some of the practices.   

I know that some people may think that I’m setting the standard too high, yet the narrow road is the one that leads to life.  The greatest judge should be you conscious and what your employer has said. If you are not sure, simply enquire from your supervisor and get guidance. However, some supervisors may not give you good guidance and therefore you must also apply your own understanding as well.

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About Musawenkosi Dube

I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. It has been revealed to me through the study of the Word of God, teachings of other men of God and testimonies that God has given us His grace just so we can share it among ourselves in the process leading each other to God. I invite you to learn who our God is with me in this blessed!

One Response to Do Not Do it at Work Please

  1. Duryab says:

    Thank you for the beautiful rimneder of God’s provision for us daily. I enjoy to be surpised by the faithfulness and timelessness of God, the steadfast love of the Lord never changes, His mercies never come to an end, they are indeed new every morning, and I say with the songrwiter, Great is Thy Faithfulness O God. I depend on that each day and I have proven it each day, is the same reality for you and Aylene be assured of continual prayer.

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