Jesus Christ values children and they are beautiful beyond measure before Him. Some people think of children as valueless, stupid, non-deserving of special attention and useless. Surprisingly, Jesus Christ himself honours and shows respect for children. He likes it when children participate in church. It is not a requirement for children to wait until adulthood to participate in the body of Christ. Therefore, it is a big mistake not to value children.
The quality in children is that when they offer praise to God they do it with a clean heart and mean it. In the reference Scripture, we are told of adults that attempted to bring children to Jesus for an unknown reason. It can be assumed that these parents wished for their kids to be blessed by Jesus. This was a good move and parents are encouraged to bring children to Jesus Christ. Take them to Sunday school every Sunday, allow chances to testify and encourage them to participate however possible.
In this portion of scripture, Jesus’ disciples denied children the chance to meet Jesus. The reason they did so is because they underestimated children, thinking that they are not even worthy of heaven. Like it is today, children are not allowed chances in big meetings where celebrities and renown leaders participate. Some Pastors make the same mistake even today particularly when they make the alter call. Children may respond to the call but Pastors ignore them and focus on adults. However, Jesus recognises the children’s responses to the call. Jesus Himself started sharing words of wisdom with Priests at 13. The Holy Bible goes on to tell us that Jesus embraced and blessed the children.
Parents are encouraged to embrace, hold and allow their children to sit on their laps in church, at home and everywhere possible. Children desire for the embrace of both parents and not only from grandparents. Jesus Christ is a model in this respect.
However, children are not angels. They are not automatic heaven bound unless they also accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. You will know that children steal, lie and do all sorts of evil things. The quality in focus in this argument is that when children decide to follow Jesus they do it whole heartedly.
Jesus Christ has blessings that match people of all ages. Do not run away from Jesus Christ because He wants to bless you all your life, from childhood through to adulthood. Live on your own blessings and never rely on the blessings of somebody else. His blessings will prosper and protect you.
Inspired by one of Pastor J. Msane’s sermons.