Defining death is not necessary because anyone that can read this article definitely knows and understands what it is. The Bible goes on to confirm this that the living know that they will die (Ecclesiastes 9:5). The website gives an interesting analysis on death. According to ‘Our Daily Manna devotional booklet’, the statistics on death is known, 120 people die each minute, 150 die each day and 53.8 million people die each year. Needless to say, ‘each one of us shall die one day’. I’m sure you agree with me that these statistics are a revelation to the fact that there are more people that are dead than those that are alive today. Some go to hell, while others go to heaven.
The big question is whether we are ready to meet our God or not but the time to go will surely come. Being ready is defined by the Bible as living a holy life because none will see the Lord if they don’t live up to that standard (Hebrews 12:14). If you have taken trouble enough to read the Bible, meditate on it and pray for understanding, you will know that it’s pointless living anyhow and neglect the call to do God’s will (Matthew 14:15).
Many try to outsmart God by committing sin willfully and hope to repent when they think they are just about to die. Please know this one thing that the Bible says ‘God cannot be mocked’, and He surely cannot be mocked (Galatians 6:7).
Death is once and then it is judgement which destines one for eternity (Hebrews 9:27). The soul never dies but remains forever whether in heaven or hell.
Jesus Christ lives today as a sacrifice for those that want to inherit the Kingdom of God (Romans 3:25). He loves each of us so much that He would have died for each not go to hell. The only way out is through Jesus Christ and any other option leads straight to the existing dungeon of hell (Mat 3: 12; Malachi 4:1).
While you have the time, take some to research and think about this issue for the day shall come to an end. How I pray that you would have found the real answer Jesus Christ when your time to die comes.
Before I sign off, I have an interesting website to share with you. If it called ‘‘. It simulates real time deaths and births in the world. You may click the image to go to this website.
Be blessed.
Updated: 9 May 15, 20 June 2016.